蔡徐坤《RIDE OR DIE (至死不渝)》[无损FLAC/MP3-320K]-网盘下载

蔡徐坤《RIDE OR DIE (至死不渝)》[无损FLAC/MP3-320K]-网盘下载

蔡徐坤《RIDE OR DIE (至死不渝)》歌词下载:

When the angels are falling from the sky
The world comes crashing down
Who’s gon’ pray for me
I’ve turned mountains to roads
I felt that hard wind blow
They tried to clip my wings
But I won’t fear the fall
Cause’ you know
Cause’ you know
It’s either ride or die
We’re losing daylight running out of time
When we’re in danger we let fate decide
If we get out alive
If we get out alive
Lost in the heat of the moment
In the dead of the night
We ride or die
Let me take you from peril to paradise
We ride or die
Let me take you from peril to paradise
(Feet don’t fail me now)
I’ll watch the sky fall down
Before I hit the ground
And from the depths I rose
I’m dancing in the storm
We’re dancing in the storm
It’s either ride or die
We’re losing daylight running out of time
When we’re in danger we let fate decide
If we get out alive
If we get out alive
Lost in the heat of the moment
In the dead of the night
We ride or die
Let me take you from peril to paradise
We ride or die
Let me take you from peril to paradise
(Feet don’t fail me now)
Are you my ride or die
Let me take you from peril to paradise
When it’s fight or flight
Are you my ride or die
Let me take you from peril to paradise
When the stars collide
For you I’d ride or die

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